- www.swayam.gov.in - For Online MOOCs courses.
- www.swayamprabha.gov.in - For 32 DTH television channels.
- e-yantra.org - Learning of Embedded Systems (e-Yantra).
- www.vlab.co.in - Interactive simulation environment to conduct experiments(Virtual labs).
- fossee.in - Promoting use of open source software in educational institutions (FOSSEE).
- spoken-tutorial.org - Provide IT training (Application of Spoken Tutorial).
- ndl.iitkgp.ac.in - Digital Library (NDLI).
- ess.inflibnet.ac.in - Aggregators of electronic journals (e-SS).
- pds.inflibnet.ac.in - Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS).
- irinis.inflibnet.ac.in - Research Information Management (IRINS).
The above have been initiated by the MHRD to leverage the potential of information and communication technology (ICT). Hence, all requested to visit the sites mentioned and avail the benefits offered by these sites.