Welcome to the Training and Placement Cell of the

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Arunachal Pradesh!


National Institute of Technology (NIT) Arunachal Pradesh is a public technical and research institute located at Jote near Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal Pradesh. NIT Arunachal Pradesh is one of the 31 National Institutes of Technology in India and is recognized as an Institute of National Importance. NIT Arunachal Pradesh started its functioning from 2010 in a temporary campus in Yupia, Arunachal Pradesh. The institute presently functions from its permanent Campus at Jote, Papum Pare district, Arunachal Pradesh.The potential of our faculty members is immensely high, as evidenced by their high-quality publications and research works. We have developed a good number of modern state-ofthe-art laboratories in all departments, and our campus is fully Wi-Fi connected, providing our students with the tools they need to excel in this highly competitive and fast-advancing world.

NIT Arunachal Pradesh is located at Jote, 25 kilometers from Itanagar, which is the capital town of Arunachal Pradesh and 360 kilometers from Guwahati. Jote is surrounded by beautiful green forest and mountains. The picturesque and surrounding of Jote makes it ideal for a noble academic environment.



To transform into an acclaimed institution of higher learning with creation of an impact on the north eastern region in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship.



1.  To generate new knowledge through state of the art academic program and research in multidisciplinary field.
2. To identify regional, Indian and global need to serve the society better.
3. To create an ambience to flourish new ideas, research and academic excellence to produce new leaders and innovators.
4. To collaborate with other academic, research institutes and industries for wholistic growth of the students.
5. Utilization of available big resources to encourage entrepreneurship through formation of startups.

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1 Jul 2024
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