0360-2284801 0360-2284801

Dr. Rajat Subhra Goswami

Associate Professor & Head of the Department, Computer Science & Engineering

Research Areas: Information Security, Cryptography, Image Processing, Big Data, Network Traffic Classification.
View CV

Journal Publications


1. Sujit Biswas, Rajat S Goswami, K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Mohammed Altaf Ahmed "Exploring the fusion of latticeā€based quantum key distribution for secure Internet of Things communications", IET Quantum Communication, , 2024. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

2. K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Rajat Shubhra Goswami, Diptendu Sinha Roy " A deep learning-based smart service model for context-aware intelligent transportation system", The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 80, pp. 4477-4499, 2024. ([SCI/SCIE, Q2]

3. K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Ashish K Luhach, Pushpita Chatterjee, Mohammad AlNumay, Diptendu Sinha Roy " EFLSM:-An Intelligent Resource Manager for Fog Layer Service Management in Smart Cities", EEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 70 , issue 1, pp. 2281-2289, 2024. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

4. Sujit Biswas, Rajat Subhra Goswami, K Hemant Kumar Reddy "Advancing quantum steganography: a secure IoT communication with reversible decoding and customized encryption technique for smart cities", Cluster Computing, vol. 27, pp. 9395-9414, 2024. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

5. Surajit Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami "Review, Limitations, and future prospects of neural network approaches for brain tumor classification", Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 83, pp. 45799-45841, 2024. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

6. S Das, RS Goswami "Advancements in brain tumor analysis: a comprehensive review of machine learning, hybrid deep learning, and transfer learning approaches for MRI-based classification and segmentation", Multimedia Tools and Applications, , 2024. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]


1. K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Diptendu Sinha Roy " An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Enabled Smart Service Towards Futuristic Smart Cities", Handbook of Research on Applications of AI, Digital Twin, and Internet of Things for Sustainable Development, , 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Others]

2. Santosh Vishwakarma, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Saibal Dutta, V Sakthivel, P Prakash, P Vijayakumar, Lakshmi Thangavelu "Cloud data storage with improved resource scheduling in healthcare application based on security system", Optik, vol. 272 , issue 170225, 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Q2]

3. Santosh Vishwakarma, Rajat Subhra Goswami, P Prathap Nayudu, Krovi Raja Sekhar, Pandu Ranga Rao Arnepalli, Ramya Thatikonda, Wael MF Abdel-Rehim "Secure federated learning architecture for fuzzy classifier in healthcare environment", Soft Computing, , pp. 1-12, 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Q2]

4. Surajit Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami "Review, Limitations, and future prospects of neural network approaches for brain tumor classification", Multimedia Tools and Applications, , pp. 1-43, 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

5. K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Rajat Shubhra Goswami, Diptendu Sinha Roy "Edge Assisted, Forecast Integrated Ensemble Learning based Service Management Scheme for Delay Minimization in Smart Cities Applications", Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, , pp. 101806, 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

6. K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Diptendu Sinha Roy, IEEE Senior Member "A futuristic green service computing approach for smart city: A fog layered intelligent service management model for smart transport system", Computer Communications, , pp. 151-160, 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]

7. K Hemant Kumar Reddy, Gautam Srivastava, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Diptendu Sinha Roy "A Hybrid Optimized Intelligent Resource-Constrained Service Scheduling for Unified IoT Applications in Smart Cities", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21 , issue 2, pp. 1648 -1659, 2023. ([SCI/SCIE, Q1]


1. Chukhu Chunka, Subhasish Banerjee, Rajat Subhra Goswami "An Efficient User Authentication and Session Key Agreement in Wireless Sensor Network Using Smart Card", Wireless Personal Communications, , pp. 1-25, 2021. (

2. Chukhu Chunka, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Subhasish Banerjee "An efficient mechanism to generate dynamic keys based on genetic algorithm", Security and Privacy, vol. 4 , issue 5, 2021. (

3. Chukhu Chunka, Subhasish Banerjee, Soumyajit Nag, Rajat Subhra Goswami "A Secure Key Agreement Protocol Defiant to Denial-of-Service Attack based on Three-Party Authentication", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, , 2021. (

4. Chukhu Chunka, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Subhasish Banerjee "An efficient mechanism to generate dynamic keys based on genetic algorithm", Security and Privacy, vol. 4 , issue 5, pp. e37, 2021. ([Others, Others]


1. C Chunka, S Banerjee, S Nag, RS Goswami "A Secure Key Agreement Protocol for Data Communication in Public Network Based on the Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol ", Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, vol. 106, 2020. (


1. Gulab Sah, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Sunit Kumar Nandi "Machine Learning Methods for Predicting the Popularity of Forthcoming Objects ", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 9 , issue 2, pp. 645-652, 2019. (

2. Bikram Kumar, Deepak Gupta, Rajat Subhra Goswami "Classification of Student's Confusion Level in E-Learning using Machine Learning ", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 9 , issue 2, pp. 346-351, 2019. (

3. Sayan Sikder, Sanjeev Kumar Metya, Rajat Subhra Goswami "Exception Included, Ordered Rule Induction from the Set of Exemplars (ExIORISE)", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 9 , issue 2S, pp. 57-62, 2019. (

4. Chukhu Chunka, Subhasish Banerjee, Rajat Subhra Goswami "Technique to Generate the Secure Symmetric Key Under Variable Keys Environment using Genetic Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. 9 , issue 1, pp. 4384-4389, 2019. (

5. Chukhu Chunka, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Subhasish Banerjee "A Novel Approach to Generate Symmetric Key in Cryptography Using Genetic Algorithm (GA) ", Springer Link (Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security ), , pp. 713-724, 2019. (

6. Subhasish Banerjee, Chukhu Chunka, Srijon Sen, Rajat Subhra Goswami "An Enhanced and Secure Biometric Based User Authentication Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Smart Cards ", Wireless Personal Communications (Springer US), vol. 107 , issue 1, pp. 243-270, 2019. (

7. Moumita Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami, RS Mehta, SK Chakraborty "To Achieve Higher Security in Automatic Variable Key Technique towards Optimum Data Transfer with Noise Burst in Cryptosystem", Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN-2350-1146, , 2019.[Others, Others]

8. Subhasish Banerjee, Chukhu Chunka, Srijon Sen, Rajat Subhra Goswami "An enhanced and secure biometric based user authentication scheme in wireless sensor networks using smart cards", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 107, pp. 243-270, 2019. ([SCI/SCIE, Q2]


1. Manash Pratim Dutta, Subhasish Banerjee, Moumita Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Chandan Tilak Bhunia " Key variation technique based on piggybacking strategies under public key environments", Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, vol. 21 , issue 1, pp. 59-73, 2018. (

2. Chukhu Chunka, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Subhasish Banerjee "An efficient mechanism to generate dynamic keys based on genetic algorithm ", Security and Privacy, , 2018. (

3. Moumita Das, Pranab Roy, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Chandan Tilak Bhunia "Investigation a new technique of automatic variable key using two dimensional matrix approach to achieve perfect security", International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, vol. 20 , issue 2, pp. 214-225, 2018. (


1. Chukhu Chunka, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Subhasish Banerjee, Chandan T Bhunia "An Approach to Generate Variable Keys based on Vertical Horizontal Mechanism", International Journal of Security and Its Applications, vol. 11 , issue 3, pp. 61-70, 2017. (

2. Moumita Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Manash P Dutta, SK Chakraborty, CT Bunia "Technique to Generate Variable Keys with Key Variation with Noise Burst Bit for Achieving Perfect Security in Cryptology towards Optimum Data Transfer", International Journal of Security and Its Applications, vol. 11 , issue 3, pp. 39-50, 2017.

3. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu K. Chakraborty Sanjit Ningthoujam , Saikat Kumar Jana , Manash P Dutta, Subhasish Banerjee "Hybrid Protocol for Molecular Communication in Three States Markov Model ", JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, vol. 6 , issue 1, pp. 113-123, 2017.


1. Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Chandan Tilak Bhunia, Abhinandan Bhunia "Studies of Several New Modifications of Aggressive Packet Combining to Achieve Higher Throughput, Based on Correction Capability of Disjoint Error Vectors", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, vol. 97 , issue 2, pp. 269-272, 2016. (

2. Moumita Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Chandan Tilak Bhunia "Implementation of New Method to Generate a Key in Automatic Variable Key for Perfect Security", International Journal of Security and Its Applications, vol. 10 , issue 04, pp. 367-376, 2016. (

3. Rajat S Goswami, Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Chandan T Bhunia "A study to examine the superiority of CSAVK, AVK over conventional encryption with a single key", International Journal of Security and its Applications, vol. 10 , issue 2, pp. 279-286, 2016. (


1. Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Rajat S Goswami, Abhinandan Bhunia, CT Bhunia "Investigation of Two New Protocols of Aggressive Packet combining scheme in achieving better throughput", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, vol. 96 , issue 2, pp. 141-145, 2015. (


1. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, CT Bhunia "New techniques for generating of automatic variable key in achieving perfect security ", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, vol. 95 , issue 3, pp. 197-201, 2014. (


1. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, CT Bhunia "Generation of automatic variable key under various approaches in cryptography system", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, vol. 94 , issue 4, pp. 215-220, 2013. (

2. Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Rajat S Goswami, Abhinandan Bhunia, Chandan T Bhunia "Three New Investigations of Aggressive Packet Combining to Get High Throughput ", International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 81 , issue 5, 2013. (

3. Rajat S Goswami, Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, Chandan T Bhunia "Approach towards Optimum Data Transfer with Various Automatic Variable Key (AVK) Techniques to Achieve Perfect Security with Analysis and Comparison", International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 82 , issue 1, 2013. (

4. CT Bhunia, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Rajat Subhra Goswami "A new technique (CSAVK) of automatic variable key in achieving perfect security", 100th Indian Science Congress Association, , pp. 1-4, 2013. (