Art of Resume making and Placement preparation (Alumni Talk)

Jul 10, 2021

Alumni Association


Alumni Association has started the Special Interactive Talk Session with our Alumni for our present students through clubhouse (app). These talk's topics vary from a discussion on some new technologies, their experiences, career growth, motivational talk, the work environment in industry, etc which will be fruitful for our present students. 

In this context, our final year students have created a club in Clubhouse (which is a social network app based on voice). This club is created to bridge the gap between alumni and current students of NIT Arunachal Pradesh. Alumni can share information ranging from openings in their firms, referrals, how to apply and resume making, their experiences, etc. The first session on Art of Resume making and Placement preparation has been organized by Pallabi Roy (ECE/18/03) and Shubham Singh (CSE/18/29) on 10/07/2021. The speakers were Shivaditya Katiyar, Yase Dasu, Varun M S, Nripendra Trigunayat, Kishan Agarwal, Himanshu Mishra, Debashis Deb, and Nupoor Rai.

Recorded Session is available on:


For more upcoming special interactive talk sessions, please join the club:

To join the club:

1. Install the app (

2. Create an account.

3. Open this link ( using the app.

4. Click on Member to Join.
